The building was built is located 20m from the pebble beach with crystal clear sea. Apartments are full equipped (AC, TV-SAT, internet) and have a large terrace overlooking the sea. In the courtyard is a large grill, where we prepare for our guests local specialties. For our guests we arrange boat trips to untouched parts of nature. Prices are final (including parking, air conditioning, taxes ...) for larger groups...
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
Nice apartment with a terrace, all have air conditioning, TV-satellite, Internet (Wi-Fi), fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, parking for your car, there is 20M from the beach. POA !!!
The building was built is located 20m from the pebble beach with crystal clear sea. Apartments are full equipped (AC, TV-SAT, internet) and have a large terrace overlooking the sea. In the courtyard is a large grill, where we prepare for our guests local specialties. For our guests we arrange boat trips to untouched parts of nature. Prices are final (including parking, air conditioning, taxes ...) for larger groups we have an additional discount!!
Czy jest dostępne od 02.08 do 12.08?
Úžasné ubytování hned u moře , super dovolená pro rodinu s dětmi . Pan Milan a jeho žena Anna jsou super lidi . Už po 4 na dovolené a neměnila bych . A rádi se vrácíme . Moc děkuji za celou rodinu , bylo to super a brzy na viděnou. L Zmatlikova
Super ubytování hned u moře v malé vesničce Klek. Klidné místo vhodné pro dovolenou s dětmi. Moc milí domácí Ana a Milan, se vším pomohou, nic není problém. Mohu doporučit, my se budeme určitě vracet!
Letos jsme tu byli minimálně po osmé a pořád se nám tu moc líbí. Majitelé jsou moc milí, vždy nám ve všem vyjdou vstříc. Každoročně nám připraví něco na grilu a vezmou nás na výlet lodí. Také je skvělé, že pláž je pár kroků a nevede přes rušnou silnici. Ideální pro rodiny s malými dětmi. Rádi se sem budeme i nadále vracet.
Super ubytování ,velice příjemní domácí ,pláž kousíček od domu .Letošní dovolená na stejném místě ve stejném apartmánu už po čtvrté a měnit rozhodně nebudeme děkujeme a brzy naviděnou R Černá
Mili właściciele, piękna okolica , wspaniała wycieczka łodzią, pyszna kolacja przygotowana przez gospodarzy, rodzinna atmosfera :-) na pewno tu wrócimy. Dziękujemy
Prejavujem obrovskú spokojnosť. Super ubytovanie, ešte lepší prístup majiteľov, ktorí boli úžasní.Odporúčam hlavne pre rodiny s deťmi.Nemám čo vytknúť len chváliť....